Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation

Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation

Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation

What is a Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation?
Among the thousands of dentists in Israel, only a select few are entitled to bear the prestigious title of "Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation." This elite group of experienced doctors has undergone an additional 5-year academic specialization after completing their Doctorate in Dental Medicine. They have passed the meticulous examinations of the Ministry of Health, and their professional level is considered to be the highest in the field.

Specialization in oral rehabilitation is different from other specializations that focus on one area. Oral rehabilitation is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary "super-specialization" at the highest level, providing the specialist with in-depth knowledge, unique abilities, and the broadest professional perspective - with corresponding results.

What Exactly is "Oral Rehabilitation"?
Many think that oral rehabilitation only deals with recovery after injury or accident. However, this is a misconception. A specialist in oral rehabilitation is responsible for a wide range of treatments required to achieve a perfect functional and aesthetic result, characterized by an overall view of the mouth and the patient.

Which Treatments are Performed by a Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation?
The specialist performs standard rehabilitative treatments such as the highest quality crowns, as well as complex treatments like extensive tooth replacement, dental implants, issues with wear, temporomandibular joint disorders, and more. When necessary, the specialist refers patients to other experts, serving as the manager and architect of the treatment.

Complex Issues:
In complex treatments, there is no substitute for the knowledge and experience of the specialist, who treats with a comprehensive view and deep understanding of all the components and factors involved. The specialist in oral rehabilitation, like an architect of the treatment plan, knows how to integrate dentists with other specializations and even general medicine to provide the most suitable and high-quality treatment for the patient.

High Aesthetic  Demands:
Achieved through correct shape, color, and full adaptation to facial structure. Therefore, each treatment requires planning and simulation before starting the treatment itself. All this while using the most advanced and highest quality technologies and materials. Few are born with a perfect smile, many others achieve it after treatment by a specialist in oral rehabilitation.

A central component that requires a high professional level is implants. Their planning, installation, and construction of the rehabilitation with crowns or dentures require a specialist. Implants are a complex matter - steer clear of "quick-fix" treatments!

Who Should See a Specialist in Oral Rehabilitation?
Everyone! An examination by the specialist is entirely different from anything you have known. It involves an extended and thorough diagnosis, including comprehensive and detailed advice regarding the required treatments, which you can perform with the specialist or a combination of doctors with various specializations. Proper consultation and planning can prevent future problems and even reduce treatment costs!

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